Governments and communities are missing out on having women in public decision-making seats. If we women of faith refuse to serve in public decision-making roles, we are disregarding our responsibilities and opportunities to be voices of wisdom, experience, and reason in a hugely important arena of human life.
Just as God wants women in private councils (marriage councils, family councils, church councils), God wants women in public councils. He wants men and women to work together to build families, build Zion, and gather Israel. Our Church leaders have confirmed this, calling for more members to engage in political life, including by running for political office.
“Thus, we strongly urge men and women to be willing to serve on school boards, city and county councils and commissions, state legislatures, and other high offices of either election or appointment, including involvement in the political party of their choice.”
We’ve compiled some more of these calls here. Of course, there are secular reasons to run for office as well. Here is a sample of some of our favorites:
“Like so many women, I didn’t think I had enough experience, or the right experience. Surely, I wasn’t qualified to run for Congress! Wrong. The truth is, I didn’t need to wait all those years—and here is why you shouldn’t, either: There are not enough women serving in government. That’s true at all levels, from city councils and county legislatures all the way up to Congress."
“But women are still vastly underrepresented at the federal and state level. The reasons why range from limited recruitment to family obligations to self-doubt, and the repercussions of their lack of representation are felt across policy decisions that affect all levels of government.”
“Women have the opportunity to be 360-degree candidates, using all of their expertise, background, and personal experiences to connect with voters. Managing a family is certainly a facet of that full-life experience. Embracing family as part of the campaign can reveal a positive and warm dimension to a serious candidate. It is also a chance to share the role family has played in motivating a candidate to pursue public office.”