Calling All Advocates: Let’s Connect and Support LDS Women in Politics!

Calling All Advocates: Let’s Connect and Support LDS Women in Politics!

As part of our ongoing mission to uplift and empower Latter-day Saint women in the political arena, we are excited to announce a new initiative designed to foster connections and support among our community. Our goal is to create a vibrant network of volunteers, resources, and encouragement for LDS women who are bravely stepping into the political spotlight. Whether you’re a candidate yourself or you know someone who is, we’re here to amplify your efforts and provide the backing you need to succeed.

Why It Matters

The journey into politics can often feel daunting, especially for those who may question their qualifications or worry about the negativity that can be prevalent in political landscapes. Yet, we firmly believe that Latter-day Saint women bring unique perspectives, values, and strengths that are desperately needed in today’s political discourse. Your voice matters, your leadership can make a difference, and you are more than qualified to stand for what you believe in.

To make this vision a reality, we’re seeking to identify and connect with LDS women who are running for office this year. But more than that, we want to create a support system that rallies volunteers and resources around these courageous candidates. 

How You Can Help

We’re reaching out to our community to help us track and connect with Latter-day Saint women candidates across the nation. If you are running for office, or if you know someone who is, we invite you to fill out this form. Your input will be instrumental in building a network of support and solidarity among LDS women in politics.

By filling out the form, you’re not only raising awareness of these courageous women but also contributing to a broader effort to connect them with volunteers eager to support their campaigns. Whether it’s through lending skills, offering time, or simply spreading the word, every action counts towards empowering LDS women to succeed in the political arena.

Together, We Can Make a Difference

This initiative is more than just about tracking who is running; it’s about creating a community of support that uplifts and empowers LDS women in their political endeavors. We believe in your potential, your strength, and your ability to effect positive change. Let’s come together to support Latter-day Saint women in politics, ensuring they have the resources, connections, and encouragement they need to thrive. Fill out the form today, and let’s make a difference together.

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