
PTA Volunteers Make Excellent Candidates

If you are already a member of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), you may be wondering if running for political office is a good fit for you. Here are just a few reasons why being a member of the PTA can be excellent preparation for a

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Women of Faith: We Need You to Run for Office

  Women of faith have a unique and important perspective to bring to the political arena. In a world where women’s voices are often marginalized and their contributions undervalued, women of faith have the opportunity to use their beliefs and values to make a difference

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How to run for school board or city council

If you are considering running for municipal office (including city council or school board), there are a few steps you should take to ensure a successful campaign. Here is a brief overview of what you can expect: Research your local election laws and requirements: It

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You are already qualified to run for office

You do not need to be an attorney or a business leader or have a resume full of impressive-sounding qualifications before you run for office. Your life experience, your knowledge, your perspective, and your voice are what your community needs now.  As a member of

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Resources To Get You Started

Resources Page: Take a look at our resources page for links to a wealth of sources to get you going. Mentoring Program: Sign up with our mentoring program to get connected with women who’ve been through a campaign before and can help you along your

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Why Run?

Governments and communities are missing out on having women in public decision-making seats. If we women of faith refuse to serve in public decision-making roles, we are disregarding our responsibilities and opportunities to be voices of wisdom, experience, and reason in a hugely important arena

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